Tag Archives: Info screens

Info screens for SPOT Festival

For the SPOT Festivals in 2010 and 2011 I was responsible for programming the functionality for a number of info screens.
The screens were placed around the festival area showing information about the current ‘state’ of the festival. In the 2010 version you could see some info on the band who where currently playing (or were about to play) on the venue related to the particular screen and you could get quick overview of the other venues too. A time indicator gave an idea of how far advanced the individual concert were (if started). In addition, you could watch the news and info on the festival’s seminars. The 2011 version was in some ways simpler than the 2010 version, since the screens were not linked to particular venues, and therefore all showed the same content.
The screens were programmed in Flash / ActionScript 3 and constantly drew information from the SPOT database via an XML feed. In that way the screens would adapt to, and provide information about, program changes etc.

My contact at the festival, and responsible for the info screen project was Martin Ross-Hansen.

The image below shows the version from 2011SPOT info screen