Version info

Multi-region Exporter – for Cubase, version 2.0

Built on 2020-09-10

Changes from last version

  • Fixed critical bug/shortcoming that meant that if the tempo of the Cubase project was not the default 120 bpm then the Exporter would not read the correct time of the different regions (unless track was in linear mode). Thanks to Anthony Paiano for finding this bug. It should now be fixed, and it should also work with varying tempo (jumping or ramping) throughout the project.
  • The Exporter can now convert to many different formats while extracting the regions (previously only mp3). The conversion is done with FFmpeg – you can specify the FFmpeg arguments/options as well as the filename extension (for the output files). If in doubt, just google something like “ffmpeg convert to <some format> options” or check out the FFmpeg documentation.
  • The Exporter can now also detect regions based on parts in midi tracks and instrument tracks (as well as cycle markers on marker tracks and audio events/parts on audio tracks).
  • Windows version now comes as an installer file (.msi) though still zipped along with a readme file about installation.
  • Mac version now requires that you run a Terminal command on the app after dragging it to ‘applications’ folder (described in a readme file in the downloadable zip file). This is due to the fact newer versions of Mac OS X automatically puts some files in quarantine when downloaded from the internet and that I am not subscribing to the Apple Developer Program (so the app is not signed and ‘notarized’).

Ideas for future improvements

  • Create support for command line use of the program, suggested by Cubase forum user vitraska
  • Check multi-threading consistency (thread safety, synchronization etc.). I haven’t really worked with multi-threading before, so there might be some issues to fix here
  • Support for Logic as well as Cubase? (Does Logic have a similar track export feature or is multi-region exporting natively supported in Logic?)
  • More testing of splitting accuracy and sample value conservation. So far, tests have given only good results but more testing could be done
  • Clean up code in XML parser (currently quite a lot of code duplication)

Multi-region Exporter – for Cubase, version

Built on 2018-07-20

Changes from last version

  • Fixed issue where, when the track XML is based on audio track with events merged into parts, audio events within parts sometimes appear as individual regions using their local position within the part. The intended behaviour is that audio events within parts are not extracted individually. Instead, the surrounding part will be used for extraction. This should now be fixed, though I still don’t understand why the Cubase track XML sometimes behaves this way.
  • Waveform preview (made with FFMPEG) now uses square-root amplitude scaling in order for it to be more informative though technically maybe less true (don’t be alarmed if the waveform doesn’t look like the one in Cubase). I have previously experienced that the waveform preview of some sounds were very little informative due to the small size of the waveform preview in the program.
  • Windows version is now 64 bit (include Java JRE is 64 bit). Let me know if this is a problem.
  • Maybe new bugs have inadvertently been introduced – let’s hope not 🙂

Ideas for future improvements

  • Create support for command line use of the program, suggested by Cubase forum user vitraska
  • Add ability to convert to other formats than mp3.
  • Check multi-threading consistency (thread safety, synchronization etc.). I haven’t really worked with multi-threading before, so there might be some issues to fix here
  • Support for Logic as well as Cubase? (Does Logic have a similar track export feature or is multi-region exporting natively supported in Logic?)
  • More testing of splitting accuracy and sample value conservation. So far, tests have given only good results but more testing could be done
  • More testing of mp3 conversion quality and precision – does it introduce unwanted artifacts at beginning or end etc.?

Multi-region Exporter – for Cubase, version

Built on 2017-10-08

Changes from last version

  • Fixed bug in Mac version where it could not create waveform in newer versions of OS X, which made the whole functionality break
  • Waveform generation is now faster and shows all channels (uses FFMPEG) – a consequence of the above fix.
  • Added ability to convert to mp3 at the same time as outputting/extracting regions (uses FFMPEG and LAME)
  • Now shows progress bar when outputting files. Outputting mp3 files takes a little longer and then it is nice to be able to follow the process
  • Fixed bug in OS X High Sierra where menu items are all grayed out if OS language is not English

Ideas for future improvements

  • Create support for command line use of the program, suggested by Cubase forum user vitraska
  • Check multi-threading consistency (thread safety, synchronization etc.). I haven’t really worked with multi-threading before, so there might be some issues to fix here
  • Support for Logic as well as Cubase? (Does Logic have a similar track export feature or is multi-region exporting natively supported in Logic?)
  • More testing of splitting accuracy and sample value conservation. So far, tests have given only good results but more testing could be done
  • More testing of mp3 conversion quality and precision – does it introduce unwanted artifacts at beginning or end etc.?

Multi-region Exporter – for Cubase, version

Built on 2016-03-31

Changes from last version

  • Fixed (major) bug where the program only worked if the track file (.xml) was exported from a track with time base set to ‘musical’ mode. ‘Linear’ mode did not work properly. Now, hopefully, both modes are supported – otherwise, be sure to let me know. Thanks to Cubase forum user vitraska for pointing out this bug

Ideas for future improvements

  • Create support for command line use of the program, suggested by Cubase forum user vitraska
  • Check multi-threading consistency (thread safety, synchronization etc.). I haven’t really worked with multi-threading before, so there might be some issues to fix here
  • Add ability to convert to other file formats (for example mp3) at the same time as outputting/extracting regions.
  • Support for Logic as well as Cubase? (Does Logic have a similar track export feature or is multi-region exporting natively supported in Logic?)
  • Better Mac vs PC layout solution (now, conditional layout – “if isMac then…”)
  • Better feedback to user, when the application is busy (reading audio file, outputting files)
  • More testing of splitting accuracy and sample value conservation. So far, tests have given only good results but more testing could be done

Multi-region Exporter – for Cubase, version

Built on 2016-03-14

Changes from last version

None, this is the first version

Ideas for future improvements

  • Check multi-threading consistency (thread safety, synchronization etc.). I haven’t really worked with multi-threading before, so there might be some issues to fix here
  • Add ability to convert to other file formats (for example mp3) at the same time as outputting/extracting regions.
  • Support for Logic as well as Cubase? (Does Logic have a similar track export feature or is multi-region exporting natively supported in Logic?)
  • Better Mac vs PC layout solution (now, conditional layout – “if isMac then…”)
  • Better feedback to user, when the application is busy (reading audio file, outputting files)
  • More testing of splitting accuracy and sample value conservation. So far, tests have given only good results but more testing could be done